ОСТРОВНОЙ adjective
Островной остров
[RuThes concept: остров]
derived from
Interlingual Index
[Wordnet definition: relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island]
[RuThes concept: ольхон]
[RuThes concept: итуруп]
[RuThes concept: кунашир]
[RuThes concept: шикотан]
[RuThes concept: парамушир]
[RuThes concept: валаам]
[RuThes concept: бельковский]
[RuThes concept: сахалин]
[RuThes concept: русский (ост. залива петра великого)]
[RuThes concept: реюньон]
[RuThes concept: крит]
[RuThes concept: родос]
[RuThes concept: гренландия]
[RuThes concept: ява]
[RuThes concept: калимантан]
[RuThes concept: ньюфаундленд (остров)]
[RuThes concept: хайнань]
[RuThes concept: таити]
[RuThes concept: тасмания]
[RuThes concept: кипр, остров]
[RuThes concept: корсика]
[RuThes concept: сицилия (остров)]
[RuThes concept: занзибар, остров танзании]
[RuThes concept: готланд]
[RuThes concept: окинава]
[RuThes concept: хоккайдо]
[RuThes concept: цейлон]
[RuThes concept: новая гвинея]
[RuThes concept: шхеры]
[RuThes concept: тимор]
[RuThes concept: сокотра]
[RuThes concept: васильевский остров]
[RuThes concept: барбадос (остров)]
[RuThes concept: сокотра (остров)]