Химический элемент химический элемент


[RuThes concept: химический элемент]

sytsets of components

Interlingual Index

[Wordnet definition: any of the more than 100 known substances (of which 92 occur naturally) that cannot be separated into simpler substances and that singly or in combination constitute all matter]


[RuThes concept: вещество]


[RuThes concept: хром (металл)]
[RuThes concept: сурьма]
[RuThes concept: висмут]
[RuThes concept: америций]
[RuThes concept: галлий]
[RuThes concept: гольмий]
[RuThes concept: неодим]
[RuThes concept: полоний]
[RuThes concept: рений]
[RuThes concept: рубидий]
[RuThes concept: самарий]
[RuThes concept: скандий]
[RuThes concept: технеций]
[RuThes concept: франций]
[RuThes concept: церий]
[RuThes concept: актиниды]
[RuThes concept: галоген]
[RuThes concept: микроэлемент]
[RuThes concept: никель]
[RuThes concept: олово]
[RuThes concept: железо]
[RuThes concept: золото]
[RuThes concept: медь]
[RuThes concept: серебро]
[RuThes concept: алюминий]
[RuThes concept: титан]
[RuThes concept: натрий]
[RuThes concept: калий]
[RuThes concept: кальций]
[RuThes concept: радон]
[RuThes concept: ванадий]
[RuThes concept: иридий]
[RuThes concept: стронций]
[RuThes concept: цезий]
[RuThes concept: палладий]
[RuThes concept: аргон]
[RuThes concept: вольфрам]
[RuThes concept: германий]
[RuThes concept: кобальт]
[RuThes concept: ниобий]
[RuThes concept: осмий]
[RuThes concept: таллий]
[RuThes concept: торий]
[RuThes concept: изотоп]
[RuThes concept: кадмий]
[RuThes concept: рутений]
[RuThes concept: родий]
[RuThes concept: молибден]
[RuThes concept: лантан]
[RuThes concept: тантал]
[RuThes concept: барий]
[RuThes concept: радий]
[RuThes concept: индий]
[RuThes concept: гелий]
[RuThes concept: бериллий]
[RuThes concept: литий]
[RuThes concept: магний]
[RuThes concept: марганец]
[RuThes concept: ксенон]
[RuThes concept: плутоний]
[RuThes concept: уран]
[RuThes concept: криптон]
[RuThes concept: щелочные металлы]
[RuThes concept: щелочноземельные металлы]
[RuThes concept: неон]
[RuThes concept: платина]
[RuThes concept: ртуть]
[RuThes concept: свинец]
[RuThes concept: цинк]
[RuThes concept: цирконий]