Центральный 1 центр, центральная часть


[RuThes concept: центр, центральная часть]

Interlingual Index

[Wordnet definition: in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area]
[Wordnet definition: located or occurring within or closer to a center]


[RuThes concept: середина, средняя часть]


[RuThes concept: майкоп]
[RuThes concept: нахичевань]
[RuThes concept: архангельск]
[RuThes concept: астрахань]
[RuThes concept: уфа]
[RuThes concept: минск]
[RuThes concept: белгород]
[RuThes concept: брянск]
[RuThes concept: улан-удэ]
[RuThes concept: бухара]
[RuThes concept: витебск]
[RuThes concept: волгоград]
[RuThes concept: воронеж]
[RuThes concept: гомель]
[RuThes concept: батуми]
[RuThes concept: махачкала]
[RuThes concept: биробиджан]
[RuThes concept: житомир]
[RuThes concept: запорожье]
[RuThes concept: ивано-франковск]
[RuThes concept: иркутск]
[RuThes concept: алматы]
[RuThes concept: атырау]
[RuThes concept: калининград]
[RuThes concept: элиста]
[RuThes concept: калуга]
[RuThes concept: караганда]
[RuThes concept: петрозаводск]
[RuThes concept: кемерово]
[RuThes concept: кировоград, город украины]
[RuThes concept: киров (вятка)]
[RuThes concept: сыктывкар]
[RuThes concept: кудымкар]
[RuThes concept: кострома]
[RuThes concept: красноярск]
[RuThes concept: симферополь]
[RuThes concept: курск]
[RuThes concept: кустанай]
[RuThes concept: липецк]
[RuThes concept: луганск]
[RuThes concept: львов]
[RuThes concept: магадан]
[RuThes concept: йошкар-ола]
[RuThes concept: мары]
[RuThes concept: саранск]
[RuThes concept: мурманск]
[RuThes concept: навои]
[RuThes concept: степанакерт]
[RuThes concept: наманган]
[RuThes concept: нижний новгород]
[RuThes concept: новгород]
[RuThes concept: новосибирск]
[RuThes concept: одесса]
[RuThes concept: омск]
[RuThes concept: оренбург]
[RuThes concept: орел (город)]
[RuThes concept: ош]
[RuThes concept: павлодар]
[RuThes concept: пенза]
[RuThes concept: пермь]
[RuThes concept: полтава]
[RuThes concept: владивосток]
[RuThes concept: псков]
[RuThes concept: ровно]
[RuThes concept: самарканд]
[RuThes concept: самара (город)]
[RuThes concept: саратов]
[RuThes concept: екатеринбург]
[RuThes concept: владикавказ]
[RuThes concept: семипалатинск]
[RuThes concept: смоленск]
[RuThes concept: ставрополь]
[RuThes concept: сумы]
[RuThes concept: термез]
[RuThes concept: тамбов]
[RuThes concept: казань]
[RuThes concept: тверь]
[RuThes concept: тернополь]
[RuThes concept: томск]
[RuThes concept: кызыл]
[RuThes concept: тула]
[RuThes concept: ашгабад]
[RuThes concept: ижевск]
[RuThes concept: ташкент]
[RuThes concept: киев]
[RuThes concept: ульяновск]
[RuThes concept: хабаровск]
[RuThes concept: абакан]
[RuThes concept: ханты-мансийск]
[RuThes concept: харьков]
[RuThes concept: херсон]
[RuThes concept: челябинск]
[RuThes concept: черкассы]
[RuThes concept: чернигов]
[RuThes concept: черновцы]
[RuThes concept: чита]
[RuThes concept: чебоксары]
[RuThes concept: анадырь]
[RuThes concept: салехард]
[RuThes concept: ярославль]
[RuThes concept: кардифф]
[RuThes concept: штутгарт]
[RuThes concept: авиньон]
[RuThes concept: агинское]
[RuThes concept: барнаул]
[RuThes concept: грозный]
[RuThes concept: гродно]
[RuThes concept: назрань]
[RuThes concept: нальчик]
[RuThes concept: южно-сахалинск]
[RuThes concept: джалал-абад]
[RuThes concept: ужгород]
[RuThes concept: бостон]
[RuThes concept: ядро (сердцевина)]
[RuThes concept: приштина]
[RuThes concept: ступица колеса]
[RuThes concept: денвер]
[RuThes concept: столица государства]


[RuThes concept: центр, центральная часть]