Городок 1 город


[RuThes concept: город]

Interlingual Index

[Wordnet definition: a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts]
[Wordnet definition: an urban area with a fixed boundary that is smaller than a city]


[RuThes concept: муниципальное образование]
[RuThes concept: городское поселение]


[RuThes concept: географические науки]


[RuThes concept: город-спутник]
[RuThes concept: город-герой ссср]
[RuThes concept: столица олимпиады]
[RuThes concept: город швейцарии]
[RuThes concept: города-побратимы]
[RuThes concept: город азербайджана]
[RuThes concept: город на территории палестинской автономии]
[RuThes concept: иракский город]
[RuThes concept: монопрофильный город]
[RuThes concept: курортный город]
[RuThes concept: центр административно-территориальной единицы]
[RuThes concept: город федерального значения]

instance hyponym

[RuThes concept: гагра]
[RuThes concept: гудаута]
[RuThes concept: очамчира]
[RuThes concept: адыгейск /теужеск/]
[RuThes concept: алга]
[RuThes concept: темир]
[RuThes concept: хромтау]
[RuThes concept: талгар]
[RuThes concept: каскелен]
[RuThes concept: асака]
[RuThes concept: мархамат]
[RuThes concept: пинск]
[RuThes concept: кобрин]
[RuThes concept: столин]
[RuThes concept: жабинка]
[RuThes concept: каменец]
[RuThes concept: коссово]
[RuThes concept: лунинец]
[RuThes concept: пружаны]
[RuThes concept: дрогичин]
[RuThes concept: ляховичи]
[RuThes concept: малорита]
[RuThes concept: ганцевичи]
[RuThes concept: ивацевичи]
[RuThes concept: барановичи]
[RuThes concept: кяхта]
[RuThes concept: закаменск]
[RuThes concept: гусиноозерск]
[RuThes concept: северобайкальск]
[RuThes concept: гайсин]
[RuThes concept: ямполь]
[RuThes concept: бершадь]
[RuThes concept: ильинцы]
[RuThes concept: казатин]
[RuThes concept: ладыжин]
[RuThes concept: немиров]
[RuThes concept: тульчин]
[RuThes concept: жмеринка]
[RuThes concept: хмельник]
[RuThes concept: шаргород]
[RuThes concept: орша]
[RuThes concept: миоры]
[RuThes concept: барань]
[RuThes concept: лепель]
[RuThes concept: полоцк]
[RuThes concept: браслав]
[RuThes concept: толочин]
[RuThes concept: новополоцк]
[RuThes concept: верхнедвинск]
[RuThes concept: ковель]
[RuThes concept: киверцы]
[RuThes concept: любомль]
[RuThes concept: берестечко]
[RuThes concept: нововолынск]
[RuThes concept: зайсан]
[RuThes concept: зыряновск]
[RuThes concept: ельск]
[RuThes concept: добруш]
[RuThes concept: жлобин]
[RuThes concept: мозырь]
[RuThes concept: речица]
[RuThes concept: наровля]
[RuThes concept: хойники]
[RuThes concept: чечерск]
[RuThes concept: житковичи]
[RuThes concept: калинковичи]
[RuThes concept: светлогорск (беларусь)]
[RuThes concept: поти]
[RuThes concept: абаша]
[RuThes concept: каспи]
[RuThes concept: цалка]
[RuThes concept: батуми]
[RuThes concept: мцхета]
[RuThes concept: телави]
[RuThes concept: боржоми]
[RuThes concept: зугдиди]
[RuThes concept: кутаиси]
[RuThes concept: рустави]
[RuThes concept: ткибули]
[RuThes concept: ахалцихе]
[RuThes concept: марнеули]
[RuThes concept: цхинвали]
[RuThes concept: гардабани]
[RuThes concept: гурджаани]
[RuThes concept: зестафони]
[RuThes concept: самтредиа]
[RuThes concept: амбролаури]
[RuThes concept: ахалкалаки]
[RuThes concept: кизляр]
[RuThes concept: дербент]
[RuThes concept: буйнакск]
[RuThes concept: избербаш]
[RuThes concept: кизилюрт]
[RuThes concept: хасавюрт]
[RuThes concept: ингулец, город днепропетровской обл.]
[RuThes concept: никополь]
[RuThes concept: павлоград]
[RuThes concept: апостолово]
[RuThes concept: верховцево]
[RuThes concept: вольногорск]
[RuThes concept: синельниково]
[RuThes concept: верхнеднепровск]
[RuThes concept: днепродзержинск]
[RuThes concept: моспино]
[RuThes concept: северск]
[RuThes concept: авдеевка]
[RuThes concept: белицкое]
[RuThes concept: горловка]
[RuThes concept: енакиево]
[RuThes concept: иловайск]
[RuThes concept: курахово]
[RuThes concept: макеевка]
[RuThes concept: селидово]
[RuThes concept: славянск]
[RuThes concept: харцызск]
[RuThes concept: шахтерск]
[RuThes concept: волноваха]
[RuThes concept: дружковка]
[RuThes concept: мариуполь]
[RuThes concept: дебальцево]
[RuThes concept: доброполье]
[RuThes concept: докучаевск]
[RuThes concept: краматорск]
[RuThes concept: новоазовск]
[RuThes concept: ясиноватая]
[RuThes concept: амвросиевка]
[RuThes concept: белозерское]
[RuThes concept: новогродовка]
[RuThes concept: облучье]
[RuThes concept: балхаш, город]
[RuThes concept: овруч]
[RuThes concept: бердичев]
[RuThes concept: коростень]
[RuThes concept: радомышль]
[RuThes concept: коростышев]
[RuThes concept: чоп]
[RuThes concept: тячев]
[RuThes concept: иршава]
[RuThes concept: берегово]
[RuThes concept: мукачево]
[RuThes concept: токмак]
[RuThes concept: бердянск]
[RuThes concept: вольнянск]
[RuThes concept: гуляйполе]
[RuThes concept: энергодар]
[RuThes concept: мелитополь]
[RuThes concept: галич, город ивано-франковской обл.]
[RuThes concept: калуш]
[RuThes concept: тлумач]
[RuThes concept: коломыя]
[RuThes concept: лагань /каспийский/]
[RuThes concept: городовиковск]
[RuThes concept: абай]
[RuThes concept: темиртау]
[RuThes concept: шахтинск]
[RuThes concept: каркаралинск]
[RuThes concept: нукус]
[RuThes concept: бустан]
[RuThes concept: муйнак]
[RuThes concept: теберда]
[RuThes concept: карачаевск]
[RuThes concept: кемь (гор. карелии)]
[RuThes concept: пудож]
[RuThes concept: олонец]
[RuThes concept: суоярви]
[RuThes concept: кондопога]
[RuThes concept: сортавала]
[RuThes concept: костомукша]
[RuThes concept: питкяранта]
[RuThes concept: лахденпохья]
[RuThes concept: гузар]
[RuThes concept: касан]
[RuThes concept: китаб]
[RuThes concept: узин]
[RuThes concept: ирпень, город киевской обл.]
[RuThes concept: сквира]
[RuThes concept: тетиев]
[RuThes concept: фастов]
[RuThes concept: яготин]
[RuThes concept: бровары]
[RuThes concept: припять]
[RuThes concept: березань]
[RuThes concept: вышгород]
[RuThes concept: кагарлык]
[RuThes concept: борисполь]
[RuThes concept: мироновка]
[RuThes concept: гайворон]
[RuThes concept: помошная]
[RuThes concept: светловодск]
[RuThes concept: новоукраинка]
[RuThes concept: инта]
[RuThes concept: ухта]
[RuThes concept: вуктыл]
[RuThes concept: микунь]
[RuThes concept: печора]
[RuThes concept: усинск]
[RuThes concept: воркута]
[RuThes concept: сосногорск]
[RuThes concept: ялта]
[RuThes concept: керчь]
[RuThes concept: судак (город)]
[RuThes concept: джанкой]
[RuThes concept: феодосия]
[RuThes concept: бахчисарай]
[RuThes concept: инкерман]
[RuThes concept: лисаковск]
[RuThes concept: кант]
[RuThes concept: нарын]
[RuThes concept: талас]
[RuThes concept: токмак (гор. кыргызстана)]
[RuThes concept: шопоков]
[RuThes concept: лудза]
[RuThes concept: талси]
[RuThes concept: цесис]
[RuThes concept: бауска]
[RuThes concept: добеле]
[RuThes concept: елгава]
[RuThes concept: лиепая]
[RuThes concept: мадона]
[RuThes concept: тукумс]
[RuThes concept: юрмала]
[RuThes concept: алуксне]
[RuThes concept: гулбене]
[RuThes concept: кулдига]
[RuThes concept: резекне]
[RuThes concept: сигулда]
[RuThes concept: валмиера]
[RuThes concept: екабпилс]
[RuThes concept: вентспилс]
[RuThes concept: даугавпилс]
[RuThes concept: чкаловск]
[RuThes concept: алитус]
[RuThes concept: каунас]
[RuThes concept: плунге]
[RuThes concept: тракай]
[RuThes concept: шяуляй /шауляй/]
[RuThes concept: пабраде]
[RuThes concept: паланга]
[RuThes concept: игналина]
[RuThes concept: кибартай]
[RuThes concept: клайпеда]
[RuThes concept: паневежис]
[RuThes concept: друскининкай]
[RuThes concept: шальчининкай]
[RuThes concept: брянка]
[RuThes concept: сватово]
[RuThes concept: антрацит, город луганской обл. украины]
[RuThes concept: лутугино]
[RuThes concept: миусинск]
[RuThes concept: попасная]
[RuThes concept: приволье]
[RuThes concept: ровеньки]
[RuThes concept: вахрушево]
[RuThes concept: зимогорье]
[RuThes concept: краснодон]
[RuThes concept: кременная]
[RuThes concept: лисичанск]
[RuThes concept: перевальск]
[RuThes concept: свердловск]
[RuThes concept: суходольск]
[RuThes concept: новодружеск]
[RuThes concept: старобельск]
[RuThes concept: северодонецк]
[RuThes concept: буск]
[RuThes concept: самбор]
[RuThes concept: сокаль]
[RuThes concept: винники]
[RuThes concept: дубляны]
[RuThes concept: золочев]
[RuThes concept: комарно]
[RuThes concept: радехов]
[RuThes concept: стебник]
[RuThes concept: дрогобыч]
[RuThes concept: мостиска]
[RuThes concept: сосновка (гор. львовской обл. украины)]
[RuThes concept: трускавец]
[RuThes concept: червоноград]
[RuThes concept: гушгы]
[RuThes concept: клецк]
[RuThes concept: слуцк]
[RuThes concept: жодино]
[RuThes concept: копыль]
[RuThes concept: любань, город минской обл.]
[RuThes concept: несвиж]
[RuThes concept: вилейка]
[RuThes concept: червень]
[RuThes concept: березино]
[RuThes concept: заславль]
[RuThes concept: молодечно]
[RuThes concept: смолевичи]
[RuThes concept: солигорск]
[RuThes concept: быхов]
[RuThes concept: шклов]
[RuThes concept: кричев]
[RuThes concept: чериков]
[RuThes concept: бобруйск]
[RuThes concept: славгород (гор. могилевской обл. белоруси)]
[RuThes concept: мстиславль]
[RuThes concept: кахул]
[RuThes concept: бэлць]
[RuThes concept: комрат]
[RuThes concept: орхей]
[RuThes concept: унгень]
[RuThes concept: бендер]
[RuThes concept: кэлэрашь]
[RuThes concept: рыбница]
[RuThes concept: дубэсарь]
[RuThes concept: тирасполь]
[RuThes concept: инсар]
[RuThes concept: ардатов]
[RuThes concept: рузаевка]
[RuThes concept: ковылкино]
[RuThes concept: кандалакша]
[RuThes concept: шуша]
[RuThes concept: мартуни]
[RuThes concept: мардакерт]
[RuThes concept: очаков]
[RuThes concept: вознесенск]
[RuThes concept: снигиревка]
[RuThes concept: арциз]
[RuThes concept: килия]
[RuThes concept: измаил]
[RuThes concept: кодыма]
[RuThes concept: болград]
[RuThes concept: вилково]
[RuThes concept: беляевка]
[RuThes concept: березовка /на украине/]
[RuThes concept: татарбунары]
[RuThes concept: узген]
[RuThes concept: аксу]
[RuThes concept: экибастуз]
[RuThes concept: гадяч]
[RuThes concept: лубны]
[RuThes concept: хорол]
[RuThes concept: глобино]
[RuThes concept: зеньков]
[RuThes concept: лохвица]
[RuThes concept: пирятин]
[RuThes concept: карловка]
[RuThes concept: кобеляки]
[RuThes concept: миргород]
[RuThes concept: кременчуг]
[RuThes concept: дубно]
[RuThes concept: корец]
[RuThes concept: сарны]
[RuThes concept: дубровица]
[RuThes concept: здолбунов]
[RuThes concept: костополь]
[RuThes concept: кузнецовск]
[RuThes concept: акташ, город в узбекистане]
[RuThes concept: ирбит]
[RuThes concept: кушва]
[RuThes concept: ревда]
[RuThes concept: тавда]
[RuThes concept: ивдель]
[RuThes concept: талица]
[RuThes concept: арамиль]
[RuThes concept: сысерть]
[RuThes concept: туринск]
[RuThes concept: дегтярск]
[RuThes concept: камышлов]
[RuThes concept: карпинск]
[RuThes concept: качканар]
[RuThes concept: невьянск]
[RuThes concept: алапаевск]
[RuThes concept: верхотурье]
[RuThes concept: михайловск]
[RuThes concept: красноуфимск]
[RuThes concept: первоуральск]
[RuThes concept: североуральск]
[RuThes concept: среднеуральск]
[RuThes concept: краснотурьинск]
[RuThes concept: ардон]
[RuThes concept: алагир]
[RuThes concept: беслан]
[RuThes concept: дигора]
[RuThes concept: моздок]
[RuThes concept: булаево]
[RuThes concept: мамлютка]
[RuThes concept: ромны]
[RuThes concept: шостка]
[RuThes concept: ахтырка]
[RuThes concept: конотоп]
[RuThes concept: путивль]
[RuThes concept: кролевец]
[RuThes concept: тростянец]
[RuThes concept: бахт]
[RuThes concept: жаркент]
[RuThes concept: жердевка]
[RuThes concept: моршанск]
[RuThes concept: рассказово]
[RuThes concept: агрыз]
[RuThes concept: буинск]
[RuThes concept: заинск]
[RuThes concept: нурлат]
[RuThes concept: тетюши]
[RuThes concept: елабуга]
[RuThes concept: мамадыш]
[RuThes concept: бугульма]
[RuThes concept: чистополь]
[RuThes concept: мензелинск]
[RuThes concept: нижнекамск]
[RuThes concept: альметьевск]
[RuThes concept: менделеевск]
[RuThes concept: зеленодольск]
[RuThes concept: ангрен]
[RuThes concept: чирчик (гор. ташкентской обл. узбекистана)]
[RuThes concept: алмалык]
[RuThes concept: бучач]
[RuThes concept: збараж]
[RuThes concept: зборов]
[RuThes concept: скалат]
[RuThes concept: чортков]
[RuThes concept: бережаны]
[RuThes concept: залещики]
[RuThes concept: кременец]
[RuThes concept: подгайцы]
[RuThes concept: теребовля]
[RuThes concept: асино]
[RuThes concept: колпашево]
[RuThes concept: стрежевой]
[RuThes concept: туран]
[RuThes concept: чадан]
[RuThes concept: шагонар (город тувинской республики)]
[RuThes concept: щекино]
[RuThes concept: алексин]
[RuThes concept: ефремов (город)]
[RuThes concept: кимовск]
[RuThes concept: богородицк]
[RuThes concept: новомосковск]
[RuThes concept: есиль]
[RuThes concept: ишим, город тюменской обл.]
[RuThes concept: тобольск]
[RuThes concept: ялуторовск]
[RuThes concept: заводоуковск]
[RuThes concept: можга]
[RuThes concept: глазов]
[RuThes concept: сарапул]
[RuThes concept: воткинск]
[RuThes concept: камбарка]
[RuThes concept: инза]
[RuThes concept: сенгилей]
[RuThes concept: аксай, город уральской обл. казахстана]
[RuThes concept: кува]
[RuThes concept: хамза]
[RuThes concept: коканд]
[RuThes concept: абаза]
[RuThes concept: сорск]
[RuThes concept: саяногорск]
[RuThes concept: урай]
[RuThes concept: мегион]
[RuThes concept: нягань]
[RuThes concept: сургут]
[RuThes concept: когалым]
[RuThes concept: лангепас]
[RuThes concept: нефтеюганск]
[RuThes concept: нижневартовск]
[RuThes concept: изюм, город харьковской обл.]
[RuThes concept: змиев]
[RuThes concept: мерефа]
[RuThes concept: чугуев]
[RuThes concept: купянск]
[RuThes concept: лозовая, город харьковской обл.]
[RuThes concept: люботин]
[RuThes concept: балаклея]
[RuThes concept: богодухов]
[RuThes concept: барвенково]
[RuThes concept: каховка]
[RuThes concept: берислав]
[RuThes concept: геническ]
[RuThes concept: скадовск]
[RuThes concept: таврийск]
[RuThes concept: цюрупинск]
[RuThes concept: нетешин]
[RuThes concept: волочиск]
[RuThes concept: шепетовка]
[RuThes concept: аша]
[RuThes concept: бакал]
[RuThes concept: касли]
[RuThes concept: миасс (гор. челябинской области)]
[RuThes concept: сатка]
[RuThes concept: кыштым]
[RuThes concept: миньяр]
[RuThes concept: карабаш]
[RuThes concept: карталы]
[RuThes concept: копейск]
[RuThes concept: коркино]
[RuThes concept: юрюзань]
[RuThes concept: златоуст]
[RuThes concept: чебаркуль]
[RuThes concept: еманжелинск]
[RuThes concept: южноуральск]
[RuThes concept: магнитогорск]
[RuThes concept: нязепетровск]
[RuThes concept: верхнеуральск]
[RuThes concept: канев]
[RuThes concept: умань]
[RuThes concept: шпола]
[RuThes concept: жашков]
[RuThes concept: каменка, город черкасской обл.]
[RuThes concept: чигирин]
[RuThes concept: городище, город черкасской обл.]
[RuThes concept: монастырище]
[RuThes concept: христиновка]
[RuThes concept: нежин]
[RuThes concept: бахмач]
[RuThes concept: городня]
[RuThes concept: прилуки]
[RuThes concept: хотин]
[RuThes concept: новоселица]
[RuThes concept: канаш]
[RuThes concept: ядрин]
[RuThes concept: алатырь]
[RuThes concept: шумерля]
[RuThes concept: цивильск]
[RuThes concept: новочебоксарск]
[RuThes concept: певек]
[RuThes concept: арысь]
[RuThes concept: кентау]
[RuThes concept: выру]
[RuThes concept: валга]
[RuThes concept: кейла]
[RuThes concept: кунда]
[RuThes concept: маарду]
[RuThes concept: кивиыли]
[RuThes concept: раквере]
[RuThes concept: палдиски]
[RuThes concept: хаапсалу]
[RuThes concept: алдан]
[RuThes concept: ленск]
[RuThes concept: мирный (город якутии)]
[RuThes concept: томмот]
[RuThes concept: вилюйск]
[RuThes concept: нерюнгри]
[RuThes concept: верхоянск]
[RuThes concept: олекминск]
[RuThes concept: среднеколымск]
[RuThes concept: надым (гор. ямало-ненецкого автономного округа)]
[RuThes concept: лабытнанги]
[RuThes concept: грац]
[RuThes concept: линц]
[RuThes concept: инсбрук]
[RuThes concept: клагенфурт]
[RuThes concept: бешар]
[RuThes concept: кордова (город аргентины)]
[RuThes concept: мендоса]
[RuThes concept: росарио]
[RuThes concept: ситра]
[RuThes concept: льеж]
[RuThes concept: намюр]
[RuThes concept: видин]
[RuThes concept: сливен]
[RuThes concept: перник]
[RuThes concept: плевен]
[RuThes concept: пловдив]
[RuThes concept: разград]
[RuThes concept: тырново]
[RuThes concept: хасково]
[RuThes concept: кочабамба]
[RuThes concept: манаус]
[RuThes concept: сан-паулу]
[RuThes concept: рио-де-жанейро]
[RuThes concept: лидс]
[RuThes concept: ипсуич /ипсвич/]
[RuThes concept: лестер]
[RuThes concept: рединг]
[RuThes concept: оксфорд]
[RuThes concept: шеффилд]
[RuThes concept: кембридж]
[RuThes concept: ковентри]
[RuThes concept: солсбери]
[RuThes concept: бирмингем]
[RuThes concept: ноттингем]
[RuThes concept: эдинбург]
[RuThes concept: эгер]
[RuThes concept: сегед]
[RuThes concept: дебрецен]
[RuThes concept: капошвар]
[RuThes concept: секешфехервар]
[RuThes concept: нячанг]
[RuThes concept: фивы]
[RuThes concept: коринф]
[RuThes concept: левадия]
[RuThes concept: ватикан]
[RuThes concept: асуан]
[RuThes concept: танта]
[RuThes concept: луксор]
[RuThes concept: исмаилия]
[RuThes concept: кананга]
[RuThes concept: яффа]
[RuThes concept: назарет]
[RuThes concept: иерусалим]
[RuThes concept: медан]
[RuThes concept: бандунг]
[RuThes concept: авилес]
[RuThes concept: овьедо]
[RuThes concept: толедо (испания)]
[RuThes concept: гранада]
[RuThes concept: кордова (город испании)]
[RuThes concept: линарес]
[RuThes concept: сеговия]
[RuThes concept: севилья]
[RuThes concept: аранхуэс]
[RuThes concept: памплона]
[RuThes concept: сарагоса (гор. испании)]
[RuThes concept: саламанка]
[RuThes concept: вальядолид]
[RuThes concept: гвадалахара]
[RuThes concept: пиза]
[RuThes concept: аоста]
[RuThes concept: имола]
[RuThes concept: лукка]
[RuThes concept: милан]
[RuThes concept: падуя]
[RuThes concept: парма]
[RuThes concept: сиена]
[RuThes concept: турин]
[RuThes concept: ареццо]
[RuThes concept: брешиа]
[RuThes concept: верона]
[RuThes concept: модена]
[RuThes concept: бергамо]
[RuThes concept: болонья]
[RuThes concept: кремона]
[RuThes concept: перуджа]
[RuThes concept: равенна]
[RuThes concept: салерно]
[RuThes concept: больцано]
[RuThes concept: сиракуза]
[RuThes concept: флоренция]
[RuThes concept: катандзаро]
[RuThes concept: калгари]
[RuThes concept: эдмонтон]
[RuThes concept: лхаса]
[RuThes concept: ухань]
[RuThes concept: нанкин]
[RuThes concept: урумчи]
[RuThes concept: харбин]
[RuThes concept: шеньян]
[RuThes concept: чанчунь]
[RuThes concept: кэсон]
[RuThes concept: синыйджу]
[RuThes concept: тэджон]
[RuThes concept: кванджу]
[RuThes concept: сайда (гор. ливана)]
[RuThes concept: марракеш]
[RuThes concept: дархан]
[RuThes concept: чойбалсан]
[RuThes concept: арнем]
[RuThes concept: гаага]
[RuThes concept: делфт]
[RuThes concept: лейден]
[RuThes concept: харлем]
[RuThes concept: тилбург]
[RuThes concept: энсхеде]
[RuThes concept: апелдорн]
[RuThes concept: эйндховен]
[RuThes concept: окленд (новая зеландия)]
[RuThes concept: куско]
[RuThes concept: плоцк]
[RuThes concept: краков]
[RuThes concept: люблин]
[RuThes concept: вроцлав]
[RuThes concept: познань]
[RuThes concept: катовице]
[RuThes concept: авейру]
[RuThes concept: лейрия]
[RuThes concept: коимбра]
[RuThes concept: арад]
[RuThes concept: бакэу]
[RuThes concept: галац]
[RuThes concept: орадя]
[RuThes concept: сибиу]
[RuThes concept: брашов]
[RuThes concept: сучава]
[RuThes concept: крайова]
[RuThes concept: слатина]
[RuThes concept: бистрица]
[RuThes concept: ботошани]
[RuThes concept: тимишоара]
[RuThes concept: александрия, город в румынии]
[RuThes concept: мекка]
[RuThes concept: медина]
[RuThes concept: конья]
[RuThes concept: мараш]
[RuThes concept: элязыг]
[RuThes concept: кайсери]
[RuThes concept: эрзурум]
[RuThes concept: диярбакыр]
[RuThes concept: лахти]
[RuThes concept: тампере]
[RuThes concept: арль]
[RuThes concept: лион]
[RuThes concept: руан]
[RuThes concept: амьен]
[RuThes concept: аррас]
[RuThes concept: безье]
[RuThes concept: дижон]
[RuThes concept: лилль]
[RuThes concept: лимож]
[RuThes concept: реймс]
[RuThes concept: верден]
[RuThes concept: орлеан]
[RuThes concept: тулуза]
[RuThes concept: версаль]
[RuThes concept: безансон]
[RuThes concept: гренобль]
[RuThes concept: страсбург]
[RuThes concept: спрингс]
[RuThes concept: йоханесбург]
[RuThes concept: киото]
[RuThes concept: саппоро]
[RuThes concept: ямагути]
[RuThes concept: кумамото]
[RuThes concept: хиросима]
[RuThes concept: аден]
[RuThes concept: авиньон]
[RuThes concept: монте-карло]
[RuThes concept: ла-пас]
[RuThes concept: горно-алтайск]
[RuThes concept: каспийск]
[RuThes concept: южно-сухокумск]
[RuThes concept: баксан]
[RuThes concept: тырныауз]
[RuThes concept: болгар]
[RuThes concept: азнакаево]
[RuThes concept: лениногорск, город татарстана]
[RuThes concept: набережные челны]
[RuThes concept: аргун (город)]
[RuThes concept: гудермес]
[RuThes concept: малгобек]
[RuThes concept: урус-мартан]
[RuThes concept: котхла-ярве]
[RuThes concept: пярну]
[RuThes concept: нарва]
[RuThes concept: тарту]
[RuThes concept: силламяэ]
[RuThes concept: красноводск]
[RuThes concept: шатлык]
[RuThes concept: нурек]
[RuThes concept: рогун]
[RuThes concept: ильичевск, город азербайджана]
[RuThes concept: ходжалы]
[RuThes concept: ниноцминда]
[RuThes concept: бакуриани]
[RuThes concept: агара]
[RuThes concept: озургети]
[RuThes concept: багдати]
[RuThes concept: сиони]
[RuThes concept: хони]
[RuThes concept: верхняя пышма]
[RuThes concept: верхняя салда]
[RuThes concept: каменск-уральский]
[RuThes concept: верхний тагил]
[RuThes concept: красноуральск]
[RuThes concept: нижний тагил]
[RuThes concept: новоуральск]
[RuThes concept: северск (город томской области)]
[RuThes concept: венев]
[RuThes concept: киреевск]
[RuThes concept: сокольники (город тульской области)]
[RuThes concept: плавск]
[RuThes concept: ясногорск]
[RuThes concept: новоульяновск]
[RuThes concept: димитровград]
[RuThes concept: верхний уфалей]
[RuThes concept: катав-ивановск]
[RuThes concept: усть-катав]
[RuThes concept: озерск челябинской области]
[RuThes concept: снежинск]
[RuThes concept: дудинка]
[RuThes concept: югорск]
[RuThes concept: лянтор]
[RuThes concept: новый уренгой]
[RuThes concept: ноябрьск]
[RuThes concept: покачи]
[RuThes concept: пыть-ях]
[RuThes concept: билибино]
[RuThes concept: артемовск, луганской обл. украины]
[RuThes concept: алчевск]
[RuThes concept: червонопартизанск]
[RuThes concept: кривой рог]
[RuThes concept: новомосковск (город украины)]
[RuThes concept: красногоровка]
[RuThes concept: соледар]
[RuThes concept: ждановка]
[RuThes concept: угледар]
[RuThes concept: новоград-волынский]
[RuThes concept: чернобыль (город)]
[RuThes concept: переяслав-хмельницкий]
[RuThes concept: славутич]
[RuThes concept: красноперекопск]
[RuThes concept: армянск]
[RuThes concept: жовква]
[RuThes concept: первомайск (город николаевской области украины)]
[RuThes concept: южноукраинск]
[RuThes concept: белгород-днестровский]
[RuThes concept: ильичевск, город украины]
[RuThes concept: красноград]
[RuThes concept: каменец-подольский]
[RuThes concept: ватутино]
[RuThes concept: березовка /в белорусии/]
[RuThes concept: ошмяны]
[RuThes concept: сморгонь]
[RuThes concept: волковыск]
[RuThes concept: слоним]
[RuThes concept: карасу, город узбекистана]
[RuThes concept: карши]
[RuThes concept: октябрьск (город казахстана)]
[RuThes concept: усть-каменогорск]
[RuThes concept: лениногорск, город казахстана]
[RuThes concept: ленинск, город казахстана]
[RuThes concept: степняк]
[RuThes concept: щучинск]
[RuThes concept: алексеевка, город казахстана]
[RuThes concept: атбасар]
[RuThes concept: даллас]
[RuThes concept: маастрихт]
[RuThes concept: питсбург]
[RuThes concept: цинциннати]
[RuThes concept: луисвилл]
[RuThes concept: сан-франциско]
[RuThes concept: тайюань]
[RuThes concept: чэнду]
[RuThes concept: чунцин]
[RuThes concept: ланьчжоу]
[RuThes concept: сиань]
[RuThes concept: анахайм]
[RuThes concept: сент-луис]
[RuThes concept: ачхой-мартан]
[RuThes concept: вейк-ан-зее]
[RuThes concept: троя]
[RuThes concept: лас-вегас]
[RuThes concept: тронхейм]
[RuThes concept: чикаго]
[RuThes concept: филадельфия]
[RuThes concept: мемфис]
[RuThes concept: дармштадт]
[RuThes concept: канзас-сити]
[RuThes concept: майами]
[RuThes concept: франкфурт-на-майне]
[RuThes concept: канн (город франции)]
[RuThes concept: хьюстон]
[RuThes concept: нагано (город в японии)]
[RuThes concept: детройт]
[RuThes concept: сиэтл]
[RuThes concept: столица штата сша]
[RuThes concept: давос (город в швейцарии)]
[RuThes concept: сан-хосе]
[RuThes concept: кливленд (порт в сша)]
[RuThes concept: санта-барбара]
[RuThes concept: миннеаполис]
[RuThes concept: тренто]
[RuThes concept: гронинген]
[RuThes concept: лугано]
[RuThes concept: лиллехаммер]
[RuThes concept: вольфсбург]
[RuThes concept: нови-сад]
[RuThes concept: анкоридж]
[RuThes concept: сан-себастьян (гор. испании)]
[RuThes concept: сан-ремо]
[RuThes concept: колорадо-спрингс]
[RuThes concept: римини]
[RuThes concept: висбаден]
[RuThes concept: леверкузен]
[RuThes concept: нара (город)]
[RuThes concept: сопот]
[RuThes concept: шарлеруа]
[RuThes concept: атлантик-сити]
[RuThes concept: оулу]
[RuThes concept: картахена (колумбия)]
[RuThes concept: пасадена]
[RuThes concept: утрехт (город)]
[RuThes concept: бейкерсфилд]
[RuThes concept: порт-саид]
[RuThes concept: пасадена (калифорния)]
[RuThes concept: гамильтон (город в канаде)]
[RuThes concept: глендейл, калифорния]
[RuThes concept: блэкберн]
[RuThes concept: тяньцзинь]
[RuThes concept: добрич]
[RuThes concept: блэкпул]
[RuThes concept: омаха]
[RuThes concept: ньюарк]
[RuThes concept: бирмингем (алабама)]
[RuThes concept: глочестер]
[RuThes concept: данди (город шотландии)]
[RuThes concept: рочестер (нью-йорк)]
[RuThes concept: хантингтон (штат нью-йорк)]
[RuThes concept: лексингтон (кентукки)]
[RuThes concept: норвич (город великобритании)]
[RuThes concept: коулун]
[RuThes concept: эль-гиза]
[RuThes concept: тусон]
[RuThes concept: город в мексике]
[RuThes concept: крайстчерч]
[RuThes concept: толедо (огайо)]
[RuThes concept: медельин]
[RuThes concept: лаишево]


[RuThes concept: город]


[RuThes concept: городское самоуправление]
[RuThes concept: урбанизация]
[RuThes concept: городской комитет]
[RuThes concept: градообразующее предприятие]