ГОРОДСКОЙ adjective
Городской город
[RuThes concept: город]
derived from
Interlingual Index
[Wordnet definition: relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area]
[Wordnet definition: of or relating or belonging to a city]
[RuThes concept: муниципальное образование]
[RuThes concept: гудаута]
[RuThes concept: очамчира]
[RuThes concept: майкоп]
[RuThes concept: баку]
[RuThes concept: гянджа]
[RuThes concept: шемаха]
[RuThes concept: джебраил]
[RuThes concept: нафталан]
[RuThes concept: ленкорань, город]
[RuThes concept: мингечаур]
[RuThes concept: джалилабад]
[RuThes concept: нахичевань]
[RuThes concept: славгород]
[RuThes concept: змеиногорск]
[RuThes concept: новоалтайск]
[RuThes concept: зея]
[RuThes concept: тында]
[RuThes concept: райчихинск]
[RuThes concept: ереван]
[RuThes concept: капан]
[RuThes concept: раздан]
[RuThes concept: спитак]
[RuThes concept: ванадзор]
[RuThes concept: цахкадзор]
[RuThes concept: эчмиадзин]
[RuThes concept: котлас]
[RuThes concept: няндома]
[RuThes concept: каргополь]
[RuThes concept: новодвинск]
[RuThes concept: сольвычегодск]
[RuThes concept: астрахань]
[RuThes concept: харабали]
[RuThes concept: ахтубинск]
[RuThes concept: уфа]
[RuThes concept: бирск]
[RuThes concept: мелеуз]
[RuThes concept: белебей]
[RuThes concept: ишимбай]
[RuThes concept: туймазы]
[RuThes concept: белорецк]
[RuThes concept: нефтекамск]
[RuThes concept: стерлитамак]
[RuThes concept: минск]
[RuThes concept: белгород]
[RuThes concept: короча]
[RuThes concept: валуйки]
[RuThes concept: шебекино]
[RuThes concept: грайворон]
[RuThes concept: пинск]
[RuThes concept: барановичи]
[RuThes concept: брянск]
[RuThes concept: почеп]
[RuThes concept: новозыбков]
[RuThes concept: кяхта]
[RuThes concept: гусиноозерск]
[RuThes concept: северобайкальск]
[RuThes concept: бухара]
[RuThes concept: шаргород]
[RuThes concept: витебск]
[RuThes concept: орша]
[RuThes concept: полоцк]
[RuThes concept: новополоцк]
[RuThes concept: муром]
[RuThes concept: киржач]
[RuThes concept: ковров]
[RuThes concept: судогда]
[RuThes concept: суздаль]
[RuThes concept: гороховец]
[RuThes concept: кольчугино]
[RuThes concept: камышин]
[RuThes concept: урюпинск]
[RuThes concept: новоаннинский]
[RuThes concept: вытегра]
[RuThes concept: устюжна]
[RuThes concept: череповец]
[RuThes concept: ковель]
[RuThes concept: воронеж]
[RuThes concept: россошь]
[RuThes concept: семилуки]
[RuThes concept: острогожск]
[RuThes concept: новохоперск]
[RuThes concept: гомель]
[RuThes concept: мозырь]
[RuThes concept: поти]
[RuThes concept: батуми]
[RuThes concept: мцхета]
[RuThes concept: боржоми]
[RuThes concept: зугдиди]
[RuThes concept: кутаиси]
[RuThes concept: рустави]
[RuThes concept: цхинвали]
[RuThes concept: ахалкалаки]
[RuThes concept: махачкала]
[RuThes concept: кизляр]
[RuThes concept: дербент]
[RuThes concept: буйнакск]
[RuThes concept: кизилюрт]
[RuThes concept: хасавюрт]
[RuThes concept: павлоград]
[RuThes concept: мариуполь]
[RuThes concept: дебальцево]
[RuThes concept: краматорск]
[RuThes concept: белозерское]
[RuThes concept: биробиджан]
[RuThes concept: облучье]
[RuThes concept: житомир]
[RuThes concept: бердичев]
[RuThes concept: мукачево]
[RuThes concept: запорожье]
[RuThes concept: бердянск]
[RuThes concept: мелитополь]
[RuThes concept: вичуга]
[RuThes concept: кинешма]
[RuThes concept: юрьевец]
[RuThes concept: ивано-франковск]
[RuThes concept: иркутск]
[RuThes concept: тулун]
[RuThes concept: братск]
[RuThes concept: тайшет]
[RuThes concept: ангарск]
[RuThes concept: бодайбо]
[RuThes concept: киренск]
[RuThes concept: шелехов]
[RuThes concept: бирюсинск]
[RuThes concept: черемхово]
[RuThes concept: нижнеудинск]
[RuThes concept: атырау]
[RuThes concept: неман]
[RuThes concept: светлогорск калининградской области]
[RuThes concept: элиста]
[RuThes concept: городовиковск]
[RuThes concept: калуга]
[RuThes concept: юхнов]
[RuThes concept: жиздра]
[RuThes concept: медынь]
[RuThes concept: таруса]
[RuThes concept: обнинск]
[RuThes concept: козельск]
[RuThes concept: кондрово]
[RuThes concept: людиново]
[RuThes concept: мосальск]
[RuThes concept: сухиничи]
[RuThes concept: балабаново]
[RuThes concept: малоярославец]
[RuThes concept: елизово]
[RuThes concept: караганда]
[RuThes concept: нукус]
[RuThes concept: петрозаводск]
[RuThes concept: кемь (гор. карелии)]
[RuThes concept: пудож]
[RuThes concept: суоярви]
[RuThes concept: кондопога]
[RuThes concept: сортавала]
[RuThes concept: костомукша]
[RuThes concept: лахденпохья]
[RuThes concept: кемерово]
[RuThes concept: тайга (гор. кемеровской области)]
[RuThes concept: новокузнецк]
[RuThes concept: вышгород]
[RuThes concept: борисполь]
[RuThes concept: кировоград, город украины]
[RuThes concept: киров (вятка)]
[RuThes concept: луза]
[RuThes concept: уржум]
[RuThes concept: нововятск]
[RuThes concept: омутнинск]
[RuThes concept: сыктывкар]
[RuThes concept: инта]
[RuThes concept: ухта]
[RuThes concept: печора]
[RuThes concept: воркута]
[RuThes concept: сосногорск]
[RuThes concept: кудымкар]
[RuThes concept: кострома]
[RuThes concept: буй, город костромской области]
[RuThes concept: галич, город костромской обл.]
[RuThes concept: нерехта]
[RuThes concept: чухлома]
[RuThes concept: кологрив]
[RuThes concept: солигалич]
[RuThes concept: ейск]
[RuThes concept: сочи]
[RuThes concept: анапа]
[RuThes concept: темрюк]
[RuThes concept: туапсе]
[RuThes concept: армавир]
[RuThes concept: лабинск]
[RuThes concept: тихорецк]
[RuThes concept: геленджик]
[RuThes concept: белореченск]
[RuThes concept: новокубанск]
[RuThes concept: новороссийск]
[RuThes concept: красноярск]
[RuThes concept: канск]
[RuThes concept: ачинск]
[RuThes concept: иланский]
[RuThes concept: норильск]
[RuThes concept: минусинск]
[RuThes concept: лесосибирск]
[RuThes concept: симферополь]
[RuThes concept: ялта]
[RuThes concept: керчь]
[RuThes concept: судак (город)]
[RuThes concept: алупка]
[RuThes concept: алушта]
[RuThes concept: феодосия]
[RuThes concept: бахчисарай]
[RuThes concept: севастополь]
[RuThes concept: куртамыш]
[RuThes concept: шадринск]
[RuThes concept: курск]
[RuThes concept: льгов]
[RuThes concept: суджа]
[RuThes concept: нарын]
[RuThes concept: лиепая]
[RuThes concept: юрмала]
[RuThes concept: даугавпилс]
[RuThes concept: волхов]
[RuThes concept: выборг]
[RuThes concept: кириши]
[RuThes concept: тихвин]
[RuThes concept: гатчина]
[RuThes concept: ивангород]
[RuThes concept: кингисепп]
[RuThes concept: ломоносов]
[RuThes concept: приозерск]
[RuThes concept: бокситогорск]
[RuThes concept: шлиссельбург]
[RuThes concept: липецк]
[RuThes concept: елец (город)]
[RuThes concept: грязи]
[RuThes concept: данков]
[RuThes concept: усмань (гор. липецкой области)]
[RuThes concept: лебедянь]
[RuThes concept: чаплыгин]
[RuThes concept: каунас]
[RuThes concept: тракай]
[RuThes concept: клайпеда]
[RuThes concept: луганск]
[RuThes concept: антрацит, город луганской обл. украины]
[RuThes concept: краснодон]
[RuThes concept: лисичанск]
[RuThes concept: львов]
[RuThes concept: дрогобыч]
[RuThes concept: магадан]
[RuThes concept: сусуман]
[RuThes concept: йошкар-ола]
[RuThes concept: мары]
[RuThes concept: молодечно]
[RuThes concept: бобруйск]
[RuThes concept: унгень]
[RuThes concept: бендер]
[RuThes concept: дубэсарь]
[RuThes concept: тирасполь]
[RuThes concept: саранск]
[RuThes concept: инсар]
[RuThes concept: клин (город)]
[RuThes concept: руза (гор. московской области)]
[RuThes concept: дубна]
[RuThes concept: лобня]
[RuThes concept: химки]
[RuThes concept: видное]
[RuThes concept: кашира]
[RuThes concept: мытищи]
[RuThes concept: пущино]
[RuThes concept: реутов]
[RuThes concept: рошаль]
[RuThes concept: сходня]
[RuThes concept: талдом]
[RuThes concept: шатура]
[RuThes concept: яхрома]
[RuThes concept: зарайск]
[RuThes concept: коломна]
[RuThes concept: люберцы]
[RuThes concept: можайск]
[RuThes concept: ногинск]
[RuThes concept: ступино]
[RuThes concept: фрязино]
[RuThes concept: балашиха]
[RuThes concept: бронницы]
[RuThes concept: одинцово]
[RuThes concept: подольск]
[RuThes concept: серпухов]
[RuThes concept: щербинка]
[RuThes concept: апрелевка]
[RuThes concept: высоковск]
[RuThes concept: егорьевск]
[RuThes concept: жуковский]
[RuThes concept: лыткарино]
[RuThes concept: домодедово]
[RuThes concept: звенигород]
[RuThes concept: ивантеевка]
[RuThes concept: волоколамск]
[RuThes concept: долгопрудный]
[RuThes concept: электрогорск]
[RuThes concept: электросталь]
[RuThes concept: солнечногорск]
[RuThes concept: мурманск]
[RuThes concept: ковдор]
[RuThes concept: кандалакша]
[RuThes concept: мончегорск]
[RuThes concept: оленегорск]
[RuThes concept: навои]
[RuThes concept: степанакерт]
[RuThes concept: мардакерт]
[RuThes concept: наманган]
[RuThes concept: нижний новгород]
[RuThes concept: кстово]
[RuThes concept: арзамас]
[RuThes concept: саров]
[RuThes concept: балахна]
[RuThes concept: новгород]
[RuThes concept: боровичи]
[RuThes concept: новосибирск]
[RuThes concept: чулым]
[RuThes concept: бердск]
[RuThes concept: искитим]
[RuThes concept: карасук]
[RuThes concept: тогучин]
[RuThes concept: барабинск]
[RuThes concept: одесса]
[RuThes concept: омск]
[RuThes concept: гай]
[RuThes concept: орск]
[RuThes concept: бузулук (город)]
[RuThes concept: сорочинск]
[RuThes concept: бугуруслан]
[RuThes concept: медногорск]
[RuThes concept: орел (город)]
[RuThes concept: мценск]
[RuThes concept: ош]
[RuThes concept: павлодар]
[RuThes concept: экибастуз]
[RuThes concept: пенза]
[RuThes concept: городище, город пензенской обл.]
[RuThes concept: пермь]
[RuThes concept: кунгур]
[RuThes concept: лысьва]
[RuThes concept: усолье]
[RuThes concept: соликамск]
[RuThes concept: краснокамск]
[RuThes concept: красновишерск]
[RuThes concept: полтава]
[RuThes concept: миргород]
[RuThes concept: кременчуг]
[RuThes concept: владивосток]
[RuThes concept: находка]
[RuThes concept: себеж]
[RuThes concept: невель]
[RuThes concept: ровно]
[RuThes concept: азов]
[RuThes concept: шахты]
[RuThes concept: сальск]
[RuThes concept: таганрог]
[RuThes concept: зерноград]
[RuThes concept: волгодонск]
[RuThes concept: новочеркасск]
[RuThes concept: новошахтинск]
[RuThes concept: семикаракорск]
[RuThes concept: ряжск]
[RuThes concept: касимов]
[RuThes concept: самарканд]
[RuThes concept: акташ, город в узбекистане]
[RuThes concept: самара (город)]
[RuThes concept: тольятти]
[RuThes concept: новокуйбышевск]
[RuThes concept: колпино]
[RuThes concept: кронштадт]
[RuThes concept: сестрорецк]
[RuThes concept: саратов]
[RuThes concept: ртищево]
[RuThes concept: балаково]
[RuThes concept: новоузенск]
[RuThes concept: екатеринбург]
[RuThes concept: ирбит]
[RuThes concept: ревда]
[RuThes concept: тавда]
[RuThes concept: ивдель]
[RuThes concept: талица]
[RuThes concept: сысерть]
[RuThes concept: качканар]
[RuThes concept: алапаевск]
[RuThes concept: кировград, свердловской обл.]
[RuThes concept: богданович]
[RuThes concept: артемовский]
[RuThes concept: красноуфимск]
[RuThes concept: первоуральск]
[RuThes concept: владикавказ]
[RuThes concept: беслан]
[RuThes concept: моздок]
[RuThes concept: семипалатинск]
[RuThes concept: смоленск]
[RuThes concept: ельня]
[RuThes concept: рославль]
[RuThes concept: дорогобуж]
[RuThes concept: ставрополь]
[RuThes concept: ипатово]
[RuThes concept: ессентуки]
[RuThes concept: пятигорск]
[RuThes concept: изобильный]
[RuThes concept: кисловодск]
[RuThes concept: нефтекумск]
[RuThes concept: зеленокумск]
[RuThes concept: железноводск]
[RuThes concept: невинномысск]
[RuThes concept: новоалександровск]
[RuThes concept: ромны]
[RuThes concept: шостка]
[RuThes concept: конотоп]
[RuThes concept: термез]
[RuThes concept: тамбов]
[RuThes concept: моршанск]
[RuThes concept: казань]
[RuThes concept: елабуга]
[RuThes concept: бугульма]
[RuThes concept: чистополь]
[RuThes concept: нижнекамск]
[RuThes concept: альметьевск]
[RuThes concept: зеленодольск]
[RuThes concept: тверь]
[RuThes concept: ржев]
[RuThes concept: кашин]
[RuThes concept: кимры]
[RuThes concept: торжок]
[RuThes concept: калязин]
[RuThes concept: старица]
[RuThes concept: торопец]
[RuThes concept: конаково]
[RuThes concept: осташков]
[RuThes concept: андреаполь]
[RuThes concept: весьегонск]
[RuThes concept: тернополь]
[RuThes concept: кременец]
[RuThes concept: томск]
[RuThes concept: тула]
[RuThes concept: щекино]
[RuThes concept: новомосковск]
[RuThes concept: ишим, город тюменской обл.]
[RuThes concept: тобольск]
[RuThes concept: ялуторовск]
[RuThes concept: ижевск]
[RuThes concept: глазов]
[RuThes concept: сарапул]
[RuThes concept: воткинск]
[RuThes concept: ташкент]
[RuThes concept: киев]
[RuThes concept: инза]
[RuThes concept: коканд]
[RuThes concept: хабаровск]
[RuThes concept: абакан]
[RuThes concept: саяногорск]
[RuThes concept: ханты-мансийск]
[RuThes concept: мегион]
[RuThes concept: нягань]
[RuThes concept: сургут]
[RuThes concept: когалым]
[RuThes concept: лангепас]
[RuThes concept: нефтеюганск]
[RuThes concept: нижневартовск]
[RuThes concept: харьков]
[RuThes concept: изюм, город харьковской обл.]
[RuThes concept: херсон]
[RuThes concept: челябинск]
[RuThes concept: касли]
[RuThes concept: миасс (гор. челябинской области)]
[RuThes concept: кыштым]
[RuThes concept: златоуст]
[RuThes concept: чебаркуль]
[RuThes concept: магнитогорск]
[RuThes concept: верхнеуральск]
[RuThes concept: черкассы]
[RuThes concept: умань]
[RuThes concept: городище, город черкасской обл.]
[RuThes concept: чернигов]
[RuThes concept: нежин]
[RuThes concept: прилуки]
[RuThes concept: черновцы]
[RuThes concept: хотин]
[RuThes concept: чита]
[RuThes concept: шилка (гор. читинской области)]
[RuThes concept: нерчинск]
[RuThes concept: краснокаменск]
[RuThes concept: чебоксары]
[RuThes concept: канаш]
[RuThes concept: алатырь]
[RuThes concept: новочебоксарск]
[RuThes concept: анадырь]
[RuThes concept: певек]
[RuThes concept: алдан]
[RuThes concept: нерюнгри]
[RuThes concept: верхоянск]
[RuThes concept: олекминск]
[RuThes concept: салехард]
[RuThes concept: надым (гор. ямало-ненецкого автономного округа)]
[RuThes concept: ярославль]
[RuThes concept: углич]
[RuThes concept: рыбинск]
[RuThes concept: инсбрук]
[RuThes concept: клагенфурт]
[RuThes concept: кабул]
[RuThes concept: герат]
[RuThes concept: гардез]
[RuThes concept: кандагар]
[RuThes concept: джелалабад]
[RuThes concept: льеж]
[RuThes concept: плевен]
[RuThes concept: пловдив]
[RuThes concept: лондон]
[RuThes concept: ипсуич /ипсвич/]
[RuThes concept: оксфорд]
[RuThes concept: шеффилд]
[RuThes concept: кембридж]
[RuThes concept: бирмингем]
[RuThes concept: ноттингем]
[RuThes concept: кардифф]
[RuThes concept: эдинбург]
[RuThes concept: берлин]
[RuThes concept: ульм]
[RuThes concept: кельн]
[RuThes concept: мюнхен]
[RuThes concept: шверин]
[RuThes concept: эрфурт]
[RuThes concept: дрезден]
[RuThes concept: лейпциг]
[RuThes concept: мюнстер]
[RuThes concept: потсдам]
[RuThes concept: вюрцбург]
[RuThes concept: ганновер]
[RuThes concept: дортмунд]
[RuThes concept: дуйсбург]
[RuThes concept: нюрнберг]
[RuThes concept: штутгарт]
[RuThes concept: геттинген]
[RuThes concept: магдебург]
[RuThes concept: вупперталь]
[RuThes concept: регенсбург]
[RuThes concept: бранденбург]
[RuThes concept: дюссельдорф]
[RuThes concept: ингольштадт]
[RuThes concept: любек]
[RuThes concept: бремен]
[RuThes concept: висмар]
[RuThes concept: росток (город)]
[RuThes concept: гамбург]
[RuThes concept: фивы]
[RuThes concept: коринф]
[RuThes concept: ватикан]
[RuThes concept: асуан]
[RuThes concept: луксор]
[RuThes concept: наблус]
[RuThes concept: назарет]
[RuThes concept: иерусалим]
[RuThes concept: дели]
[RuThes concept: бомбей]
[RuThes concept: ченнаи]
[RuThes concept: калькутта]
[RuThes concept: багдад]
[RuThes concept: мосул]
[RuThes concept: киркук]
[RuThes concept: тегеран]
[RuThes concept: исфахан]
[RuThes concept: овьедо]
[RuThes concept: толедо (испания)]
[RuThes concept: кордова (город испании)]
[RuThes concept: севилья]
[RuThes concept: сарагоса (гор. испании)]
[RuThes concept: пиза]
[RuThes concept: милан]
[RuThes concept: парма]
[RuThes concept: турин]
[RuThes concept: верона]
[RuThes concept: бергамо]
[RuThes concept: флоренция]
[RuThes concept: виннипег]
[RuThes concept: эдмонтон]
[RuThes concept: лхаса]
[RuThes concept: ухань]
[RuThes concept: нанкин]
[RuThes concept: харбин]
[RuThes concept: тэджон]
[RuThes concept: марракеш]
[RuThes concept: гаага]
[RuThes concept: делфт]
[RuThes concept: лейден]
[RuThes concept: тилбург]
[RuThes concept: эйндховен]
[RuThes concept: исламабад]
[RuThes concept: лахор]
[RuThes concept: пешавар]
[RuThes concept: равалпинди]
[RuThes concept: варшава]
[RuThes concept: краков]
[RuThes concept: люблин]
[RuThes concept: вроцлав]
[RuThes concept: белосток]
[RuThes concept: катовице]
[RuThes concept: гдыня]
[RuThes concept: щецин]
[RuThes concept: гданьск]
[RuThes concept: мекка]
[RuThes concept: дамаск]
[RuThes concept: риека]
[RuThes concept: бейрут]
[RuThes concept: эрзурум]
[RuThes concept: лион]
[RuThes concept: амьен]
[RuThes concept: дижон]
[RuThes concept: лилль]
[RuThes concept: лимож]
[RuThes concept: верден]
[RuThes concept: тулуза]
[RuThes concept: версаль]
[RuThes concept: гренобль]
[RuThes concept: страсбург]
[RuThes concept: прага]
[RuThes concept: берн]
[RuThes concept: цюрих]
[RuThes concept: базель]
[RuThes concept: лозанна]
[RuThes concept: стокгольм]
[RuThes concept: гетеборг]
[RuThes concept: йоханесбург]
[RuThes concept: токио]
[RuThes concept: киото]
[RuThes concept: саппоро]
[RuThes concept: хиросима]
[RuThes concept: аден]
[RuThes concept: авиньон]
[RuThes concept: агинское]
[RuThes concept: барнаул]
[RuThes concept: гродно]
[RuThes concept: монте-карло]
[RuThes concept: париж]
[RuThes concept: нальчик]
[RuThes concept: баксан]
[RuThes concept: тырныауз]
[RuThes concept: азнакаево]
[RuThes concept: лениногорск, город татарстана]
[RuThes concept: аргун (город)]
[RuThes concept: гудермес]
[RuThes concept: малгобек]
[RuThes concept: урус-мартан]
[RuThes concept: усть-лабинск]
[RuThes concept: железногорск, красноярского края]
[RuThes concept: зеленогорск, красноярского края]
[RuThes concept: красноводск]
[RuThes concept: нурек]
[RuThes concept: нововоронеж]
[RuThes concept: железногорск-илимский]
[RuThes concept: усолье-сибирское]
[RuThes concept: усть-илимск]
[RuThes concept: усть-кут]
[RuThes concept: волгореченск]
[RuThes concept: таштагол]
[RuThes concept: кирово-чепецк]
[RuThes concept: новая ладога]
[RuThes concept: лодейное поле]
[RuThes concept: сосновый бор]
[RuThes concept: лосино-петровский]
[RuThes concept: протвино]
[RuThes concept: малая вишера]
[RuThes concept: нижний ломов]
[RuThes concept: великие луки]
[RuThes concept: нефтегорск]
[RuThes concept: энгельс]
[RuThes concept: северо-курильск]
[RuThes concept: южно-сахалинск]
[RuThes concept: верхняя пышма]
[RuThes concept: верхняя салда]
[RuThes concept: верхний тагил]
[RuThes concept: красноуральск]
[RuThes concept: новоуральск]
[RuThes concept: западная двина]
[RuThes concept: вышний волочек]
[RuThes concept: димитровград]
[RuThes concept: трехгорный]
[RuThes concept: белоярский]
[RuThes concept: новый уренгой]
[RuThes concept: билибино]
[RuThes concept: кривой рог]
[RuThes concept: ужгород]
[RuThes concept: красноперекопск]
[RuThes concept: усть-каменогорск]
[RuThes concept: лениногорск, город казахстана]
[RuThes concept: женева]
[RuThes concept: адлер]
[RuThes concept: бонн]
[RuThes concept: даллас]
[RuThes concept: бостон]
[RuThes concept: маастрихт]
[RuThes concept: цинциннати]
[RuThes concept: приштина]
[RuThes concept: анахайм]
[RuThes concept: ачхой-мартан]
[RuThes concept: троя]
[RuThes concept: лас-вегас]
[RuThes concept: тронхейм]
[RuThes concept: карловы вары]
[RuThes concept: бийск]
[RuThes concept: чикаго]
[RuThes concept: филадельфия]
[RuThes concept: мемфис]
[RuThes concept: хеврон]
[RuThes concept: дармштадт]
[RuThes concept: баграм]
[RuThes concept: города-побратимы]
[RuThes concept: майами]
[RuThes concept: франкфурт-на-майне]
[RuThes concept: канн (город франции)]
[RuThes concept: хьюстон]
[RuThes concept: детройт]
[RuThes concept: сараево]
[RuThes concept: вифлеем]
[RuThes concept: зеленоград (город-спутник)]
[RuThes concept: ланкастер]
[RuThes concept: виттенберг (город)]
[RuThes concept: гейдельберг]
[RuThes concept: денвер]
[RuThes concept: давос (город в швейцарии)]
[RuThes concept: загреб]
[RuThes concept: кливленд (порт в сша)]
[RuThes concept: орехово-зуево]
[RuThes concept: баден-баден]
[RuThes concept: фрайбург]
[RuThes concept: любляна]
[RuThes concept: гжель (город московской области)]
[RuThes concept: междуреченский (город хмао)]
[RuThes concept: леверкузен]
[RuThes concept: тюбинген]
[RuThes concept: новый оскол]
[RuThes concept: мостар]
[RuThes concept: марибор]
[RuThes concept: аугсбург]
[RuThes concept: идлиб]
[RuThes concept: латакия (провинция)]
[RuThes concept: порт]
[RuThes concept: санкт-петербург]