РЫБНЫЙ adjective
Рыбный 1 рыба
Interlingual Index
[Wordnet definition: of or relating to or resembling fish]
[RuThes concept: биология]
[RuThes concept: зоология]
[RuThes concept: позвоночное животное]
[RuThes concept: водные биоресурсы]
[RuThes concept: природа]
[RuThes concept: жерех]
[RuThes concept: сом]
[RuThes concept: кефаль]
[RuThes concept: мойва]
[RuThes concept: сайра]
[RuThes concept: корюшка]
[RuThes concept: тарань]
[RuThes concept: язь]
[RuThes concept: вобла]
[RuThes concept: навага]
[RuThes concept: голавль]
[RuThes concept: вьюн (рыба)]
[RuThes concept: малек]
[RuThes concept: ерш]
[RuThes concept: окунь]
[RuThes concept: лещ]
[RuThes concept: минтай]
[RuThes concept: угорь]
[RuThes concept: тунец]
[RuThes concept: камбала]
[RuThes concept: карп]
[RuThes concept: треска]
[RuThes concept: анадромные рыбы]
[RuThes concept: налим]
[RuThes concept: палтус]
[RuThes concept: ставрида]
[RuThes concept: акула]