САМКА noun

Самка самка (животное)


[RuThes concept: самка (животное)]

Interlingual Index

[Wordnet definition: an animal that produces gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes (spermatozoa)]


[RuThes concept: волчица]
[RuThes concept: крольчиха]
[RuThes concept: барсучиха]
[RuThes concept: слониха]
[RuThes concept: лебедка (самка лебедя)]
[RuThes concept: лосиха]
[RuThes concept: гусыня]
[RuThes concept: верблюдица]
[RuThes concept: ослица]
[RuThes concept: тигрица]
[RuThes concept: коза (самка)]
[RuThes concept: медведица (самка)]
[RuThes concept: корова (самка парнокопытных)]
[RuThes concept: кобыла]
[RuThes concept: сука (собака)]
[RuThes concept: свиноматка]
[RuThes concept: львица]
[RuThes concept: ежиха]
[RuThes concept: матка (животное)]
[RuThes concept: несушка]
[RuThes concept: леопардесса]

part meronym

[RuThes concept: вымя]